Book Review: The Time of My Life by Cecelia Ahern
'You used to be much more..."muchier". You've lost your muchness.' - the Mad Hatter to Alice I absolutely love this quote Cecelia cites in this book because it just perfectly sums up what the book is about. The book follows Lucy Silchester, a soon to be 30-year-old, who receives an appointment with her life that she cannot ignore. As a reader you may find it a bit weird at first, because life is a real person, but don’t let that put you off, it really does work in getting the messages of the story across. Lucy has fallen out of love with her life and appears to be stuck in a rut – she doesn’t enjoy her job, isn’t too fond of spending time with her friends and family and still pines after the ‘love of her life’ despite their relationship being over. Then she meets her life and must learn to tell the truth to find happiness, or face having some ‘little white lies’ she’s previously told revealed. I think Lucy is a really relatable character. I...