Rebuilding My Summer Wardrobe
When I got back from travelling mid-January, I had a bit of spare time before I started my new job, so I decided to have a bit of a clear out of my wardrobe. There isn’t a lot of space for all my clothes at Chris’ mum and dad’s house, so I decided I was going to take all my summer clothes back to my mum and dad’s house, to store whilst I didn’t need them. I also had a lot of clothes I didn’t wear anymore that I was going to take to the charity shop, so I used one of those big blue Ikea bags and on one side I put the clothes I was going to take to the charity shop and on the other side the clothes for home. I’m going to blame jetlag and travelling blues for what happened next… When I took the bag back home my mum asked what needed doing with it and I said, ‘it’s for the charity shop’… Oops!! I didn’t think anything of it until the time came to get the summer clothes out and I realised, oh god, I’ve given all my clothes away! On one hand I...