
Showing posts from October, 2017

New Zealand Part 1: The North Island

Auckland sucks and Wellington blows!   Hey guys,  Going to start this blog off by apologising for making you all wait so long for the latest instalment of #chollyontour... I know how you all just sit around waiting to hear what we’ve been up to! New Zealand to date has been ridiculously hectic so I took the decision early on to just do a North Island and South Island blog - as it would be physically impossible for me to do one after each of the places we've visited, especially with the poor/non-existent Wi-Fi we've had!   We've now completed the North Island and are currently on the interislander ferry from Wellington to Picton to start our South Island adventure. The ferry takes around three hours so there's no better time to fill you in on what we've been up to – although it is freezing on here so hopefully my fingers don’t give up on me as I type! We've been in New Zealand for just over two weeks and in that time we’ve visited eight different pla...